- Crystalline Gridkeeper Sets
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- Mercury, Mars & Venus - Terrestrial Sisters
Mercury, Mars & Venus - Terrestrial Sisters
There are 4 terrestrial rocky planets in our solar system. We live on one of them, Earth.
The three others are Mars, Venus, and Mercury. This team will serve to assist you in connecting with these neighboring terrestrial planets in our solar system.
This planetary Andara team assembled and coded under the 2021 sky dance of the planets Mercury, Mars and Venus. In preparation for this 2022 source of life building time. We have received amazing light codes, star codes, planetary light body upgrades under these astronomical alignments. These three pieces have embodied and stored the codes as record holders.
Work with them to unlock these key codes for yourself, your light body, your MerKaBa,
the planetary light bodies, and the planetary MerKaBa.
To infinity and beyond......
Mars: Red - 39 g
Venus: Milky Purple Lilac Fire - 33 g
Mercury: Orange - 35 g
Total Weight - 107 g