- MulitColor/Rainbow
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- Rainbow Light Teams
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- Rainbow Team
Rainbow Team
Rainbow Teams
are eight piece, 8 color ray sets, encoded with the solar rainbow....
Red, Orange, Yellow Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, White/Clear (unity of White = all colors)
Bathe in Rainbow Light Codes
Activate, Purify and Crystalize Your Rainbow Light Body with this luminous team.
There is a pattern that is encoded throughout the universe we live in. It shows up in the colors of the rainbow, in the notes on the musical scale, it is reflected in your energy body though the elements and the chakras. Each bandwidth, each unique frequency brings to light and reveals an aspect of the universe, of life. The slowest vibration produces the color red, the element of earth, the root chakra. Unpack this wisdom up the color spectrum of the Rainbow.
Rainbow Team - RT1 - total weight of the 8 piece set is 208 g